CalSAWS Conversion

What is Conversion?

Conversion activities focus on the planning, development, and execution of tasks to transform and load the data within the C-IV System into the CalSAWS System. To minimize disruptions to the public and Consortium Counties staff in the normal operation of business during conversion, the Conversion activities also account for communication, collaboration, and coordination between the CalSAWS Project team, the Consortium, the Migration Counties, and Los Angeles County.


Have CalSAWS Project questions or concerns? Our team is here to help!

  • For questions or concerns about the following topics, contact your local county office (use this link to find contact information for your county office):
    • Your case or benefits
    • Using BenefitsCal or CalSAWS
    • BenefitsCal or CalSAWS system functionality
    • Support with a customer's case (for Community Based Organizations)
  • For questions about careers, contact
  • For questions or concerns about other topics, click here to submit to AskCalSAWS.

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