Veronica Rodriguez
Chief Deputy Director, Orange County
Region 5 JPA Board Member
500 N State College Blvd., Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868
Professional Experience
Veronica brings 24 years of experience in Human Services. During her career, she has worked within various programs, including Public Assistance, In-Home Supportive Services, Adult Protective Services, Child Welfare, Behavioral Health forensic programs, and Housing and Homelessness. Since 2004, Veronica brings extensive experience in SAWS systems working in critical areas of development and implementation of C-IV where she represented both Riverside and San Bernardino County.
Veronica has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is currently working on her Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from California Baptist University in Riverside.
Veronica and her family live in Redlands, California.
County Welfare Directors Association of California (CWDA)
Southern Area Consortium of Human Services (SACHS)