General Assistance/General Relief Committee
November 3, 2021
Meeting Materials
CalSAWS GAGR 11-3-21 meeting Agenda
CalSAWS GAGR Meeting Notes_11-03-2021
CalSAWS GAGR SCR-215917 DDID 2314 FDS GA GR Rules Phase 3 Batch 1 - Resource, Reporting Rules and corresponding NOA Reasons, MU triggers (1)
CalSAWS GAGR SCR CA-229096 -Phase 2 Batch 4 (5 Rules) - Income Rules and Corresponding NOA Reasons
CalSAWS GAGR SCR CA 225258 DDID 23142319 FDS GA GR NOA and Form Generations Phase 2
CalSAWS GAGR CA-215678 DDID 2375 GA GR Splitting grant into Multiple Warrants
CA-215917 JIRA
CA-215678 JIRArender
Recurring Vs Non Recurring Special Need TypeAnalysis
Additional Information: