CalWORKS/CalFresh Committee
May 10, 2023
Meeting Materials
CalWORKS_CalFresh Agenda_05_10_23
CalWORKS_CalFresh Committee Meeting 05_10_23_Notes
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA 252217 Child Support – Direct Income for Non K13F and SB 380 Households
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-200325 Hide SAR Due Month when Reporting Period is less than or equal to Report Frequency
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-200325 Hide SAR Due Month when Reporting Period is less than or equal to Report Frequency-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-209136 Deny Eligibility for Parolees with Date of Entry of Less than One Year-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-226701 Create Flexible CWCF RE Appointment Batch Job for Migration Counties
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-226701 Create Flexible CW-CF RE Appointment Batch Job for Migration Counties-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-228955 Allowable Expenses from Student Award_Scholarships and Student Grants, Loans Excluded by CW and CF-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-228955-Allowable Expenses from Student Award_Scholarships
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-252217 Child Support – Direct Income for Non K1_3F and SB 380 Households-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-255674 Update RCA Batch Sweep to Determine 12 Months Based on Program Detail Begin Date-JIRA
CalWORKS_CalFresh_CA-255674 Update RCA Discontinuance Sweep
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