CalWORKS/CalFresh Committee
January 10, 2024
Meeting Materials
CalWORKS_CalFresh Agenda
CA-222317 ACIN I-34-05 Count Tribal Gaming Disbursements as Unearned Income for CF
CA-261019 Issue Both Initial and Subsequent Month of Benefits for Elig Non-ES CF HHs if the App is After the 15th
CA-270757 Update FC-KG-AAP batch EDBC sweep job to trigger CF program
CER CA-246423 - Stop Auto Generating CW 2201
CER CA-269077 - Automated Appointments Including Expedited Service Timeframes
CER CA-269621 - Auto Scheduling of RE Appts
CER CA-2670815 - Added Functionality and NOA for FTP Proof of HH Composition
CER_CA-267040_Show the Unused Child Support Balance
PI 22-61 - CalFresh student hours averaging and wage calculations
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