CalSAWS RFP 01-2022 Vendor Selection Report:
- CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 Vendor Selection Report 02082024 v2
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 02202024 Announcement
CalSAWS RFP 01-2022 Bidders Proposals:
- Accenture Consolidated Redacted 03112024
- Accenture Infrastructure Redacted 03112024
- Accenture M&E Redacted 03112024
- Deloitte ME Proposal Redacted
- Deloitte M&E Price Proposal Workbooks All 02132024
- Deloitte Infrastructure Business Pricing Consolidated Proposal Redacted 03012024
- Gainwell Infrastructure ME Consolidated Redacted 03012024
- Kyndryl Infrastructure
- Peraton Infrastructure
Notice of Intent to Award files:
- CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 NOIA 02082024
- CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 Vendor Selection Report and Scoring Workbooks 02082024
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Scoring Workbooks Excel Files 02132024
BAFO #2 Update
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 112023 Announcement
- RFP Attachment A5 – Infrastructure Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2 112023
- RFP Attachment B5 – M&E Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2 11202023
- RFP Attachment C1 – Consolidated Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2 11202023
Addendum 14 and BAFO #2
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 11082023 Addendum 14 BAFO 2 Revised Agreements Announcement
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 BAFO 2 Instructions
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 11082023 Addendum 14 Clean
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 11082023 Addendum 14 TC
- RFP Attachment A5 – Infrastructure Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2
- RFP Attachment B2 – M&E Requirements Matrix 11082023 TC
- RFP Attachment B2 – M&E Requirements Matrix 11082023 Clean
- RFP Attachment B5 – M&E Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2
- RFP Attachment C1 – Consolidated Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2
- RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 110823 Clean
- RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 110823 TC
- RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 110823 Clean
- RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 110823 TC
- RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 110823 Clean
- RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 110823 TC
Addendum 13
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 082223 Addendum 13 Announcement
- RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 082223
- RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 082223
- RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 082223
Addendum 12
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 081123 Addendum 12 Announcement
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 081123 Addendum 12
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 M&E BAFO 1 Instructions w Template 081123
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Attachments 081123 Addendum 12
Addendum 11
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 071823 Addendum 11 Announcement
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 071823 Addendum 11
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Infrastructure BAFO 1 Instructions Final 071823
- RFP Attachments A2 A5 A13
Addendum 10
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 10 Announcement 03292023
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 10 032923
Addendum 9
Addendum 8
Addendum 7
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 7 Summary 12012022
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 120122 Addendum 7
- CalSAWS M&O RFP – Attachments 120122 Addendum 7
Addendum 6
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 112322
- CalSAWS M&O RFP – Attachments 112322 Addendum 6
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 112322 Addendum 6
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 6 Summary 112322
Addendum 5
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 5 Summary 10312022
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 103122 Addendum 5
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 103122
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 103122 Addendum 5 Attachments
Addendum 4
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 4 Summary 101822
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 101822 Addendum 4
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 101822
Addendum 3
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Addendum 3 Summary 10042022
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 100422 Addendum 3
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 100422
- RFP Attachments 100422
Addendum 2
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 090122 Addendum 2 Clean
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 090122 Addendum 2 TC
- CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 090122 Addendum 2 Summary
- RFP Attachments 090122
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 09012022
Addendum 1
Initial RFP Release
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 070622
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Attachments 070622
- CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Comment Log Template
February 20, 2024
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of an update to the Vendor Selection Report originally posted on February 8, 2024. The updated file name is “CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 Vendor Selection Report 02082024 v2.pdf.” Please refer to the Document History log on Page i for the Revision Description.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD CalSAWS M&O Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 01-2022
February 8, 2024
To All Bidders,
In accordance with the CalSAWS M&O Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 01-2022, the CalSAWS Joint Powers Authority wishes to announce that the following vendors have been selected as the successful Bidders:
- Deloitte – M&E Goods and Services
- Gainwell Technologies – Infrastructure Goods and Services
The scoring results from the M&O Infrastructure, M&E and Consolidated proposal evaluations can be found on the website by viewing the CalSAWS MO RFP 01-2022 Vendor Selection Report and Scoring Workbooks in the Notice of Intent to Award files section.
November 20, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of an update to BAFO #2.
Based on vendor input, please note the following clarifications and Price Proposal Schedule updates:
1. Bidders are instructed to submit BAFO #2 responses via email, similar to the BAFO #1 submissions.
2. Bidders do not need to submit revised Staffing Schedules (Attachments A13 and/or B13).
3. Bidders should not submit an Agreement Exceptions Attachment with the BAFO #2 submission.
As a reminder, as stated within the RFP, Section 6, Bidders should not alter Price Proposal Schedule formulas that allocate funds across State Fiscal Years (SFY), allocate annual percentage increases, or other fiscal allocation formulas. Bidders may make changes to subtotals or other summary formulas to maintain accuracy of the schedule(s).
Additionally, please find attached revised Price Proposal Schedules A5, B5, and C1. The following list describes the modifications that were applied:
Attachment A5
• 3. Transition-In Staff Loading: Technical Infrastructure subtotal cells T48/U48 have been revised.
• 7. Infrastructure Services: Updated the formulas in F25/26 to link to the appropriate total hours as they are referring to R87/94
• 8.x Base Year x Staff Loading: Technical Infrastructure subtotal cells Z48/AA48 have been revised.
Attachment B5
• 10. Optional Extension Year 1: Updated cells C7:C15 to link to the 6th year price.
• 11. Optional Extension Year 2: Updated cells C24:C26 are linked to “10. Optional Extension Year 1” column G
Attachment C1
• 4. Infra Trans-In Staff Load: Technical Infrastructure subtotal cells T48/U48 have been revised.
• 8. Infrastructure Services: Updated the formulas in F25/26 to link to the appropriate total hours as they are referring to R87/94
• 9.x Base Year x Staff Loading: Technical Infrastructure subtotal cells Z48/AA48 have been revised.
• 27. M&E Task Management: Added a subtotal of hours in column R and updated the onshore/offshore formulas in columns Y and Z.
• 28. Optional Extension Year 1: Updated cells C7:C15 to link to the 6th year price.
• 29. Optional Extension Year 2: Updated cells C24:C26 are linked to “10. Optional Extension Year 1” column G
November 8, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 14 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration. Attached are the BAFO #2 Instructions and Addendum 14 RFP documents dated November 8, 2023 as follows:
1. CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 BAFO 2 Instructions.docx
2. CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 11082023 Addendum 14 Clean.docx
3. CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 11082023 Addendum 14 TC.docx
4. RFP Attachment A5 – Infrastructure Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2.xlsx
5. RFP Attachment B2 – M&E Requirements Matrix 11082023 TC .docx
6. RFP Attachment B2 – M&E Requirements Matrix 11082023 Clean.docx
7. RFP Attachment B5 – M&E Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2.xlsx
8. RFP Attachment C1 – Consolidated Price Proposal Schedules BAFO 2.xlsx
The RFP revisions consist of updates to the following areas:
• Section 1.11 Procurement Timeline
• Sections 6.3.10 and 6.3.12 – M&E and Consolidated Price Proposal Instructions
• Attachment A5 – Infrastructure Price Proposal Schedules
• Attachment B2 – M&E Innovation Requirements Matrix
• Attachment B5 – M&E Price Proposal Schedules
• Attachment C1 – Consolidated Price Proposal Schedules
Also attached are the following revised Agreements dated November 8, 2023:
1. RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 110823 Clean.docx
2. RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 110823 TC.docx
3. RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 110823 Clean.docx
4. RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 110823 TC.docx
5. RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 110823 Clean.docx
6. RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 110823 TC.docx
November 6, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces that the release of BAFO #2 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 8, 2023. The Consortium will also release Addendum 14 and the Revised Infrastructure, M&E and Consolidated Agreements.
August 22, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 13 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration. Attached you will find the following Revised Agreements dated August 22, 2023:
- RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 082223 Clean.docx (Changes Accepted)
- RFP Attachment A6 – Infrastructure Agreement 082223 TC.docx (Tracked Changes)
- RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 082223 Clean.docx (Changes Accepted)
- RFP Attachment B6 – M&E Agreement 082223 TC.docx (Tracked Changes)
- RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 082223 Clean.docx (Changes Accepted)
- RFP Attachment C2 – Consolidated Agreement 082223 TC.docx (Tracked Changes)
August 11, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 12 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the M&E BAFO #1 Instructions for Bidders’ review and the Addendum 12 RFP documents dated August 11, 2023.
August 10, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Infrastructure BAFO #1 Questions and Answers Log dated August 10, 2023 for review and consideration.
August 4, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of the Infrastructure BAFO #1 Question and Answer Log and Infrastructure Price Proposal Schedules dated
July 31, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Infrastructure BAFO #1 Question and Answer Log for your review and consideration.
July 18, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 11 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration. Attached you will find BAFO Instructions for the Infrastructure Bidders’ review and the Addendum 11 RFP documents dated July 18, 2023.
March 29, 2023
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 10 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022. Addendum 10 includes updates to the procurement timeline and introduces a new evaluation step, Agreement Exception Discussion, along with an additional BAFO.
December 19, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 9 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 9 Summary and the RFP documents dated December 19, 2022.
Update: With the release of Addendum 9 on December 19, 2022, the Final RFP file has been replaced with a current Final RFP file labeled “CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 All Final RFP and Exhibits Files 121922.”
December 16, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces that all final CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 files, as previously published through the initial release on July 6, 2022 and subsequent Addenda, are now posted to a centralized location which may be accessed via Note: No changes have been made to file content. Following is a complete list of the final RFP files: (See Announcement as attached for the list of files)
December 8, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 8 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 8 Summary and the RFP documents dated December 8, 2022.
November 23, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 6 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 6 Summary and the Final RFP documents dated November 23, 2022. This is the Final RFP with Attachments and Questions and Answers Log to be released.
November 18, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces that the release of Addendum 6, anticipated for Monday, November 21, 2022, is rescheduled for Wednesday, November 23, 2022 due to unforeseen conflicts. Addendum 6 will include the Final RFP, Attachments and Questions and Answers Log.
Thank you for your interest in the CalSAWS M&O RFP procurement.
October 31, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 5 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 5 Summary and the revised RFP documents dated October 31, 2022.
October 18, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 4 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 4 Summary and the revised RFP documents dated October 18, 2022.
October 4, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 3 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 3 Summary and the revised RFP documents dated October 4, 2022.
September 27, 2022
CalSAWS M&O Procurement Bidder Announcement 09272022
CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Question and Answer Log 09272022
September 20, 2022
Bidders’ Announcement
CalSAWS M&O Procurement Bidders Announcement 09202022
September 14, 2022
Bidders’ Announcement
CalSAWS M&O RFP 01-2022 Bidders Announcement 091422
September 9, 2022 (Updated Conference Announcement)
Bidder’s Conferences Announcement
September 1, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 2 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 2 Summary and the revised RFP documents dated September 1, 2022.
July 27, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of Addendum 1 to the CalSAWS M&O RFP #01-2022 for your review and consideration.
Attached you will find the Addendum 1 Summary and the revised RFP documents dated July 27, 2022.
July 15, 2022 (Original Announcement)
Bidder’s Conferences Announcement
July 6, 2022
To All Interested Vendors:
The CalSAWS Consortium announces the release of the CalSAWS Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Request for Proposals (RFP) #01-2022 for your review and consideration. This procurement solicits proposals from qualified vendors to provide Infrastructure and/or Maintenance and Enhancements (M&E) services. Proposals are due November 29, 2022. The contract is expected to start May 1, 2024. Following a Transition-In period, the base contract term is six years, followed by four one-year optional extensions.
Attached you will find the M&O RFP documents in two separate Zip files and a separate Excel Comment Log. The M&O Procurement Library is available for access by prospective vendors. To access the library, you will need to complete an authentication process by the Office of Systems Integration (OSI) to create an account. Once authenticated, you will receive an email from OSI with login credentials. Once you login, you will be able to access the Procurement Library and download the RFP documents. To request access to the M&O Procurement Library, please contact Daniel Brown at the following email address:
We look forward to your participation in this important procurement process.